Congrats Takuma!
Takuma's paper is previewed in the August 22nd issue of Neuron!
Here is a link to the preview:
Yudai and Eric present posters and Uma and Sam give talks at the Neuroscience Research Symposium!
And Yudai won Best Poster! Congrats to all for great work this summer!
Takuma's paper is published in Neuron!
With an assist from Seul Ki. Congrats!
Ben Gerber starts as a technician! Welcome to the Schmidt Lab!
Jenny's paper is out at Journal of Comparative Neurology!
Congrats Jenny!
Link to the article:
Katelyn wins a Conference Travel Grant to attend the FASEB Retinal Neurobiology and Visual Processing Meeting!
Sam, Yudai, and Uma win Summer Research Grants!
Sam and Yudai received Summer URGs and Uma received a Neuroscience Summer Research Grant. Congrats!
Kayla Miguel officially joins the Schmidt Lab! Welcome!
Sam wins an academic year URG!
Katelyn wins an academic year URG!
NUIN student Kayla Miguel starts her rotation in the Schmidt Lab!
Welcome Kayla!
Beryl completes her M.S. degree! Congrats!
Michelle crushes the Circadian Data Blitz and presents her poster at SfN 2017!
Fernando Senovilla Sanz joins the Schmidt Lab for his Masters in Neurobiology!
Welcome Fernando!
Junior lab member #2 arrives!
Welcome to the world/lab Phoebe Schmidt!
The Schmidt Lab attends ARVO
Katelyn, Seul Ki, and Jasmine all presented posters at ARVO 2017 in Baltimore, MD. Go team!
Michelle completes her M.S. degree! Good luck at UC Irvine!
Ely Joins the Schmidt Lab!
IBiS student Ely Contreras has joined the lab, welcome Ely!
Tiffany Receives Sloan Research Fellowship in Neuroscience!
Honored to be among this group of talented young investigators!